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Effective literacy instruction needs to be balanced and should include the many aspects of reading, writing, speaking, and listening.
A balanced literacy block should include a reader's workshop with the following elements:

  • guided reading groups, where students develop in fluency and comprehension skills pertaining to their specific needs in differentiated groups

  • feedback from a teacher and peers to address developing areas and promote individual goal setting

  • interactive read alouds for students to practice comprehension skills, speaking and listening, and critically thinking about text features

A balanced literacy block should also include a writing workshop with the following elements:

  • meaningful topics for students to write about with a clear audience and purpose

  • mentor texts to show elements/ features of genre and writing trait

  • the process of writing including drafting, writing, editing/revising, sharing

  • feedback from teacher and peers after conferencing to create opportunities for improvement in writing

Literacy instruction should also include explicit instruction and mini lessons to help students develop skills in grade-level content by:

  • utilizing gradual release of responsibility with students, following the “I do, we do, you do” model

  • encouraging students to become strategic readers

  • lessons rooted in common core standards

  • promoting critical thinking and reflective skills ​

Literacy Philosophy: Courses

All of the images on this page are personal pictures or are courtesy of Wix.

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