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Below you will find a description of the courses I completed for the Master of Arts in Education program at Michigan State University. 


The following acronyms are used as class codes below: 

ED- Education            TE- Teacher Education            CEP- Counseling, Educational Psychology, and Special Education 

Annotated Transcript : Text

TE 802 Reflection and Inquiry in Teaching Practice

Semester: Fall 2015

Instructor: Katilin Glause

TE 802 was one of the first courses I completed during my teacher certification internship year. In this course, I created a unit plan and lesson plans designed around explicitly teaching thinking strategies so that students become engaged, thoughtful, independent readers.  My unit plan focused on teaching my third-grade students how to connect to a text with text-to-self, text-to-world, and text-to-text connections.  After designing and implementing my unit plan, I gathered student-data and reflected on my teaching.

TE 803 Professional Roles in Teaching Practice 2

Semester: Spring 2016 

Instructor: Soo Bin Jang

While completing TE 803, I worked to meet six different learning goals. I deepened my learning in various social studies topics, designed a unit plan utilizing best teaching practices, discussed my professional and ethical responsibilities, created accommodations to meet the needs of special education students, participated in a lesson study and reflected on my teaching. I worked with my classmates, professor, field instructor, and mentor teacher to help meet these goals and develop as an educator.

TE 804 Reflection and Inquiry in Teaching Practice 2

Semester: Spring 2016 

Instructor: Marti Beitner-Miller

In TE 804, I learned how to design and implement inquiry-based science instruction in an elementary classroom. I developed and taught a unit exploring light energy. I conducted several science talks and created experiments designed around experiencing different scientific phenomena, At the end of the unit, I also analyzed student work and participated in a professional learning community to reflect on my teaching.

TE 842 Elementary Reading Assessment and Instruction

Semester: Fall 2018 

Instructor: Dr. Laura Tortorelli

During TE 842, I explored the characteristics of effective reading assessment and instruction. I analyzed student data and developed lessons to meet individual student literacy needs. I also participated in a book study with several classmates, where we read and discussed the book "Inside Information" by Dr. Nell Duke. I learned how to use project-based learning to effectively teach informational texts. 

TE 848 Writing Assessment and Instruction

Semester: Spring 2019 

Instructors: Dr. Patricia Edwards & Tracy Weippert

In this course, I learned best practices for teaching writing instruction. I met with different researchers such as Troy Hicks and Steve Graham. I analyzed the writing curriculum implemented by my district and reflected on my instruction. I also participated in a book study and worked with a small group of peers to discuss our learning. 

TE 846 Accommodating Differences in Literacy Learners

Semester: Summer 2019 

Instructor: Christina Ponzio

For TE 846, I explored the characteristics of effective literacy instruction for all learners. I developed my knowledge of best practices in reading and writing instruction, learned how to create adaptations and modifications to accommodate literacy learners, and utilize assessments to drive my teaching. I also developed and implemented a personalized lesson plan with specialized teaching techniques and tasks to a diverse literacy learner.

ED 800 Educational Inquiry

Semester: Summer 2019 

Instructors: Dr. Steven Weiland & Nathan Clason

This course helped me to push my thinking about the purposes, traditions, and characteristics of both formal and informal education. In this course, I completed different units of study where I reflected on the philosophy of education, classroom-based education, ethnographic observation, and theories of the mind and curriculum. I learned about educational theorists such as John Dewey and studied the education of eminent Americans such as Benjamin Franklin.

TE 831 Teaching School Subject Matter with Technology

Semester: Fall 2019 

Instructor: Dr. Doug Hartman

In TE 831, I explored different ways to enhance my teaching with technology. I learned about different teaching frameworks such as TPACK. TPACK is a technology integration framework that identifies three types of knowledge instructors need to combine for successful integration—technological, pedagogical, and content knowledge. I also learned how to repurpose lesson plans by utilizing different technological tools such as Classkick, Flipgrid, and Voicethread.

CEP 832 Educating Students with Challenging Behavior

Semester: Spring 2020 

Instructors: Dr. Vicky Mousouli & Dr. Jana Aupperlee

For CEP 832, I explored the psychological and behavioral characteristics of children who are "hard to teach." I learned about effective classroom management techniques and instructional practices. I also developed, implemented, and reflected on a personalized plan to help an individual in my class who displayed low-achieving and failure-oriented behaviors.

ED 870 Capstone

Semester: Spring 2020 

Instructors: Dr. Matthew Koehler & Aric Gaunt

In this final course, I had to design an online portfolio. This portfolio was created to display my professional learning, showcase myself as an educator, and share my future learning goals. Throughout the course, I utilized the platform Flipgrid to reflect on my work and share my learning.

Annotated Transcript : List
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